Harnessing Stoicism to Escape a Toxic Environment

Mary Kate Parrish
3 min readMar 1, 2024

As an empath, the expression “you can cut the tension with a knife” is far too familiar for me. This directly correlates to my current stage in life, the ever so fun, quintessential, existential, midlife-crisis.

BTW, a personal observation here: I unconsciously use self-deprecating humor and lower my vibration due to my lack of self-worth. Well, to that point: I am consciously on a journey to plant the seeds of my value and watch them bloom into evergreens in my enchanted forest of self-love, embracing the beautiful person I am.

Finding the strength to leave toxic, codependent relationships, is extremely difficult, especially when you love the person. For those of us who identify as vulnerable empaths, I have found the fundamental tenets of Stoicism to be the roadmap in navigating my path towards self-love and independence.

Recognize What You Can Control

At the core of Stoicism lies the wisdom to distinguish between what is within our control and what is not. In a toxic environment, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by external circumstances. By focusing our energy on aspects we can influence — our thoughts, actions, and responses — we regain a sense of agency. This fundamental principle becomes the bedrock upon which the other Stoic virtues rest.



Mary Kate Parrish

Empath. Intuit. Marketer. Writer. Pisces. Astrologer. Overthinker. Goal Chaser. Sole Survivor. Believer. Music Lover. AI Nerd. On a Quest to Write and Travel.